Happy 40th Heavy Metal Anniversary!
Hello visitors and editors of Heavy Metal Media Wiki, today I come to tell you something that I have been thinking about these days and it is about the fortieth anniversary of Heavy Metal.
Today August 7 I write that blog to commemorate the fortieth anniversary of one of the best animated films for adults of all time, on this day Heavy Metal had its official release in theaters on August 7, 1981 through the movie theaters in the United States.
Heavy Metal is a Canadian animated film for adults released in 1981. It was directed by Gerald Potterton, produced by Len Mogel and Ivan Reitman and distributed by Columbia Pictures, based on the comics of the eponymous magazine. There is a second part titled Heavy Metal 2000, and then a sequel to this…
Migration to the UCP
Hello visitors and editors of Heavy Metal Media Wiki, today I come to tell you something that I have been thinking about these days and it is about the migration of the wiki to the UCP.
You may have seen a banner at the top of the wiki saying Attention: In the next few weeks, we are migrating your community and all of its content onto new wiki software but what does this really mean? I will summarize it below.
Fandom uses MediaWiki software, which belongs to WikiMedia, all pages are built using MediaWiki and its language: Wikitext. Now, as everything in this MediaWiki world needs updates, surely they will know that if you stay with a very old version of an operating system there are things that you do not have and compatibility problems begin …
I demand total and absolute control of the wiki.
Hello, as you will know that wiki is completely abandoned and with very few articles in possession, I have seen that it is a wiki focused on the couples of the avatar universe without being from the Avatar Wiki and Shipping Wiki respectively, I just want to find a way that that wiki can be mine since I want to manage it for other uses, what I want is to convert the wiki into a completely different wiki so that it is officially another wiki dedicated solely and exclusively to the Heavy Metal franchise, I have experience in the other wikis but if I am interested in acquiring it, for your attention thank you and I hope to reach an agreement.