Heavy Metal Media Wiki

Major Boobage is the third episode of the twelfth season of the animated series South Park and the 170th episode of the series overall. It originally aired on Comedy Central in the United States on March 26, 2008. In the episode, Kenny becomes addicted to hallucinations induced by a new drug-craze in South Park called cheesing.

The episode was written and directed by series co-creator Trey Parker and co-written by series co-creator Matt Stone. It is the first episode of South Park to be rated TV-MA LSV. Many hallucination segments were inspired by the 1981 Canadian film Heavy Metal, it also includes references to various rumored drug crazes, FOX News reporting styles, the experiences of Jews in Europe during World War II and Eliot Spitzer's 2008 prostitution scandal.


Kenny becomes addicted to the newest method of getting high: snorting a defensive foul liquid sprayed by male cats. After a new law banning cats is consequently passed, Cartman becomes determined to save Mr. Kitty from being taken away.


Mr. Mackey lectures the kids on the dangers of choking themselves to get high, as well as other methods that are becoming popular, including getting high off cat urine. Mr. Mackey explains that urine used by male cats to mark their territory in the presence of other male cats, can cause one to get intoxicated when inhaled. Curious, the boys go to Cartman's house and confirm it for themselves, by having Cartman's cat, Mr. Kitty (Who, in previous episodes, was actually female), squirt urine in Kenny's face. Kenny then experiences a drug trip driving a rocket-powered, black Pontiac Trans Am through space and encountering a woman with large breasts (Taarna). At the height of the trip, as he is about to bathe with her, Cartman manages to pin him to the ground and bring him back to reality, where he has been running around and removing his clothing (Though Kenny angrily attacks him for interrupting). As a result, Stan and Kyle suggest that they permanently abstain from using cat urine.

The new drug craze becomes national, with Fox News calling it cheesing. Kyle's parents, horrified, bring it to the attention of other parents and Gerald Broflovski drafts a bill that will make cats illegal in South Park, whereupon all cats are subsequently taken into custody by the DEA. Cartman hides Mr. Kitty in his attic and suggests that it write a diary, and he also reluctantly hides many of the neighborhood cats (Strangely, by sorrow for the cats, not by his usual and initial greed).

Kenny, meanwhile, is still able to acquire cat urine and is now addicted. The boys try to stop his cheesing addiction, threatening to tell on him, and confiscate his cat. Kyle's mother Sheila finds the cat in Kyle's dresser drawer, but Kyle denies that it is his. He is nevertheless grounded and Gerald takes the cat downstairs, where it is revealed that Gerald himself was once a user. Despite being clean for ten years, temptation takes over and Gerald cheeses himself one last time. Under the influence, he finds himself in the fantasy world, flying a B-17G. After encountering the woman with the large breasts, he is annoyed to find that Kenny is there, too. They are told that they must battle at the Breastriary in Nippopolis. Back in reality, a large audience is watching Gerald and Kenny fight at the playground (Still believing themselves to be in the fantasy world), shocking Sheila and embarrassing Kyle. Gerald makes a public apology with a very indignant Sheila by his side, and lifts the ban on cats. He tells his audience that it is not the fault of cats; the cats only produce urine while people actively choose to use it. Randy Marsh then says, You never really get a good look at her naked boobs anyway.

At the end of the episode, Cartman says he has learned that you cannot deprive a living being of its freedom. Upon hearing this, Kyle then asks Cartman if he does not notice a similarity between the recent happenings and anything else in history, to which Cartman replies, Hmm...nope, I have no idea what you're talking about, Kyle. The boys then find Kenny, to their delight, sniffing a flower, claiming that he is getting high on life. Suddenly Kenny starts rapidly sniffing a handful of flowers, causing him to be transported back to his drug-induced fantasy world much to Stan, Kyle and Cartman's dismay as they run toward Kenny yelling angrily, trying to subdue him and call him back to reality.


  • Mr. Kitty was revealed to be a hermaphrodite by South Park Studios on the FAQs section of South Park Studios.
  • The Large-Breasted Woman was performed live by porn actress Lisa Daniels then animated later. This technique is called rotoscoping.
  • This is the first and only episode to get a TV-MA-LSV rating, however, this episode is now rated TV-14-DLSV as of 2017.
  • This episode shows Gerald Broflovski without his Kippah for the first and only time.
  • When Kyle leaves his room to answer the doorbell, a doll of one of the Joozian executives can be seen on his floor.
  • The scene in which Gerald Broflovski gives a press conference is a reference to former New York Governor Eliot Spitzer's press conference when he was forced to resign.
  • Kenny's mouth is briefly seen when he vomits.

Cultural References[]

  • The fantasy sequences in this episode broadly reference the 1981 animated anthology film Heavy Metal in animation style, as well as many specific details:
    • The Loc-Nar Trophy is a reference to the Loc-Nar, the film's central villain.
    • The Large-Breasted Woman is a reference to Taarna, the protagonist of the film's most famous segment.
    • Gerald's bomber is a B-17, just like the Pacific Pearl section of the film.
      • The nose art on Gerald's plane identifies it as the Jewish Princess.
    • Heavy Metal (Takin' A Ride) by Don Felder plays each time someone cheeses.
    • Kenny's car is a 1979 black Pontiac Trans Am, a reference to the film's white Corvette.
      • Due to the animation difficulty, a 3-D model was sometimes used in these scenes.
  • In the attic where Cartman hides the cats, there is a picture of Arthur Conan Doyle, and he tells his cat to write a diary.
  • Cartman hiding multiple cats in his attic references the Diary of Anne Frank.
  • When he goes out to let in Rufus, Cartman wears a fedora and overcoat similar to Oskar Schindler in Schindler's List.


  • This is one of several episodes that focus on Kenny after his death in Kenny Dies.
  • In Kenny's house, a bullet hole in the window is visible, referencing his death from The List.
  • This episode featured Kenny's first speaking appearance of the season.
  • Mr. Kitty reappears in this episode, having only been occasionally mentioned since Cat Orgy.
  • In the scene where Kyle's mother finds the cat hidden in her son's dresser drawer, there is a photo of Kyle with his pet elephant near the window on the nightstand. This is a reference to the episode An Elephant Makes Love to a Pig.

