Heavy Metal Media Wiki

The Zombies.

The Zombies are minor antagonists in the 1981 animated fantasy film Heavy Metal, serving as the main antagonists in the segment B-17.


After a successful, but very deadly mission, the surviving crew of the bomber Pacific Pearl, head back to base to rest and regroup. Shortly after making it out of the kill zone, they encounter the evil alien force, the Loc-Nar, which transforms the deceased airmen into ravening undead creatures with an insatiable hunger for human flesh. They immediately hunt down and kill the co-pilot, and later on, the pilot. Eventually, they settle in a derelict graveyard, which serves as their eternal resting- and hunting ground.


The zombies' partially skeletonized bodies, exposed inner organs and tattered uniforms make them instantly recognizable. These unholy abominations are motivated mainly by their horrific hunger, and are so relentless in the task of securing their grisly meals as to be undeterred by heavy barriers and bullets. Once risen from the dead, the zombies move around quickly and easily outrun even the fittest humans. They communicate with each other, and seemingly their prey, via bone-chilling growls and angry hissing. They are quite incapable of seeing humans as anything but prey at the mercy of their flesh-rending claws. They are however not entirely mindless. They are organized hunters, and enjoy tormenting and terrorizing their victims before going in for the kill. While the zombies hardly mourn their own lost humanity, they do seem to feel some sentiment towards their respective aircraft, and will not tolerate intruders anywhere near themselves, nor their winged tombs.



  • The Zombies seem controlled by the Loc-Nar to a lesser degree than their spiritual cousins, the Barbarians, due to being incapable of reason and speech.
  • It is believed by many that being killed by a zombie infects a victim with the black magic that transforms them.